Asbestos & Inspections

Safe, holistic solutions that go beyond the bottom line.

Asbestos is an all too common word we have heard of many times. What most people don’t know is asbestos is a mineral fiber that can be positively identified only with a special type of microscope. Miltiadis is able to identify visually potential asbestos areas and then confirm these facts with further testing, to help your project remain safe.

Since many of the structures in New York were constructed prior to the 1970’s, a lot of buildings are subject to asbestos. Miltiadis Leptourgos, P.E. offers a full range asbestos treatments to remedy your commercial building or personal residence.

If you think you might have an asbestos problem, call Miltiadis Leptourgos, P.E. today so we can come take a look and let you know. We will perform a complete visual examination and the careful collection and lab analysis of samples. If asbestos is present, we will provide a written evaluation describing its location and extent of damage, and give recommendations for correction or prevention. We will continue to work with you to remedy the situation and ensure you are safe.

Contact Us today to discuss your project in further detail. We look forward to hearing from you.